Section 7 of the Gardens Guidelines provides guidance to owners on the erection or alteration of structures in or on a unit or on the common property. The erection or alteration of structures requires the permission of the Executive Committee. 

Body corporates should not unreasonably decline requests to install sustainability infrastructure such as split systems.

In considering requests, the Executive Committee will take the following factors into account:

    1. Proposed units must comply with the noise limits outlined in Schedule 2 of the Environment Protection Regulation 2005. Below is a link to a Fact Sheet from Access Canberra outlining issues to be considered when installing air conditioners, including compliance with noise requirements.
    2. As far as possible, the placement of inverters should not be visible from general view throughout the complex.
    3. The views of immediate neighbours should be sought by the unit owner, as is the case with any other external additions or alterations.
    4. When seeking approval, details of the proposed unit and its intended location must be provided.

ACT-Government Fact Sheet